FA Rewards BFEC Graduates for excellence on and off the field

FA First Vice President, Mr. Avanell “Clarky” Morton presented cheques from the FA to Levon Williams, Mekhi Waters, Quelahni Nickie and Sheldon Toney, who have not only showed excellence in the classroom, but also on the football pitch, with each making debuts for the Men’s National team, starring for their clubs and maintaining their grades whilst attending numerous training sessions.
Other recipients of financial support to continue their education from the FA were, Justin Smith, Michael Palladino, Jalen Prentice and Milton Creque, who were presented cheques after the Presidents Cup Final, by FA President Mr. Andy Bickerton.
The FA also has a scholarship programme whereby players, male or female, can apply to the FA Executive for financial support to continue their education in College as well as playing football.